
Network Like a Scientist: checklist for attendees

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Network Like a Scientist: checklist for attendees


People are evolutionary wired to connect with others, but connecting, aka networking, can be tough for everyone, no matter their status or how well established they are. There are multiple reasons why this happens based on human psychology:

·        The fear of rejection (what if they don't like me? ),

·        Uncertainty (It's my first time coming, how will it go?

·        The "invisibility cloak illusion" (thinking others aren't interested in us),

·        The social fatigue (need a break from meeting people! );

·        Different personalities (introverts, ambiverts, extraverts);

·        Sensory overload (there’s too much noise in here!);

·        Trust factor (how much can I open up in this conversation?)

·        Shared identity ("We be of one blood, ye and I.")

Knowing these things (as attendees) and working to overcome them (as organizers) can make a huge difference in how people feel about networking. This checklist is designed for attendees to make their networking more comfortable and efficient. Download for free; use it yourself and share with your audience!

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